Street Works

EUIAS is the specialist awarding organisation for utilities. We understand utilities, and our technical experts are available to support your delivery from day one.
We are delighted to launch the full suite of Street Works Certificates, to enable Operatives and Supervisors to gain initial certification, awarded the first time they achieve or re-assessment, within 5 years of initial certification, required to meet The New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 (NRSWA)*.
Why choose EUIAS?
Our comprehensive offer, designed to support Centres to successfully deliver an efficient service for their clients includes:
- Dedicated business development contact.
- Competitive and transparent Centre Approval, EQA visit and Certificate prices. There are no hidden extras or annual fees.
- Qualification Specification and associated resources, developed by our internal team to help Centres deliver Street Works qualifications and on hand to answer any questions.
- Training and guidance from our experienced EQAs, who come from the industry and are specialists in utilities sector, on all aspects of external quality assurance.
- Service Delivery team training and support for Centres to register learners and claim achievements through Quartzweb, our web based learner management system available 24/7.
- Knowledge tests delivered online 24/7, accessible on different devices including laptops and tablets, allowing Centres to schedule tests and re-sits where required, at a convenient time and place when the learners are ready; providing a practice session before learners take the test, all included in our Certificate price.
- Instant results for online tests, with criteria feedback reports available for each learner to help them prepare for a re-sit, all included in our Certificate price.
- e-Certificates delivered immediately after claims are processed, so there’s no need to pay, and wait, for replacement certificates.
To find out more about becoming an EUIAS Centre, please contact, or alternatively complete the online form and the team will be in touch.
Please find below the Qualification Specification and associated resources to support Centres in delivering these qualifications.
- Qualification Specification
- LA – Location and Avoidance
- O1 – Signing Lighting and Guarding
- O2 – Excavation in the Highway
- O3 – Reinstatement and Compaction
- O4 – Reinstatement of Sub-Base and Base
- O5 – Reinstatement in Cold-Lay
- O6 – Reinstatement in Hot-Lay
- O7 – Reinstatement of Concrete Slabs
- O8 – Reinstatement of Modular Surfaces
- S1 – Monitoring Signing, Lighting and Guarding
- S2 – Monitoring Excavation in the Highway
- S3 – Monitoring Reinstatement of Backfill Materials
- S4 – Monitoring Reinstatement Sub-Base and Base
- S5 – Monitoring Reinstatement of Bituminous Materials
- S6 – Monitoring Reinstatement of Concrete Slabs
- S7 – Monitoring Reinstatement Modular Surfaces
- Assessment Strategy
- The Streetworks Centre Compliance Document
Please find below an information flyer:
For more information on how to become an approved Centre with EUIAS to deliver the Certificates in Street Works for Operatives and Supervisors please contact or call 0121 713 8310.
*The Certificates in Street Works for Operatives and Supervisors meet the requirement within The New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 (NRSWA) for a qualified Operative to be on site at all times when street works are in progress. The Act also requires that the site is supervised by a person having the relevant Supervisor Certificates. Each Certificate aims to equip learners with the underpinning knowledge, understanding and skills required for each activity performed by Operatives and Supervisors working in street works. Each Certificate is assessed in its own right, in order to ensure that Operatives and Supervisors are only deemed to be competent when they have met the specific assessment criteria for the tasks outlined in each Certificate.